The Solutions

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The Challenge

Energizing Remote Communities & Restoring Earth's Northern Foundation

Issue 1: Energizing Remote Communities

Remote and/or Northern communities need reliable heating for their homes, but: 

  • Many communities are built “off-grid,” they are not connected to the main lines of power/supply of the country
  • There is a necessary reliance on diesel generators for most energy – this leads to health, noise, and environmental problems
  • Many existing diesel generators are beyond their design life, and require maintenance and updating
  • It is extremely costly for people to pay for energy
  • Having unreliable, expensive, and inefficient heating equipment in extreme cold climates poses significant health and comfort issues

Issue 2: Restoring Earth's Northern Foundation

Permafrost is melting across the world. We know this from historical measurements, present-day experiences, and scientific modelling of the future. This causes many issues to the local areas and beyond, such as: 

  • Sinking ground, thermokarsts
  • Collapsing buildings & equipment – electricity shortage, fuel leaks, destruction of homes/necessary roads
  • Methane & other toxic gas leaking
  • Ancient viruses
  • Flooding
  • Contributes to a negative feedback loop that further speeds up the warming of the earth and causes extreme weather events across the world